
Showing posts from April, 2020


QNAP online resources collection

QNAP is the famous private cloud solution provider, the main product is NAS (Network attach Storage), this article collect QNAP online resources and help QNAPer / NAS beginner quickly know how to select NAS and find application information, if any suggestion website, welcome to comment and share with us. QNAP website Topic include NAS, Operation System, Application, Tutorial / FAQ , Forum and Customer Service.

Advantech's Globalization Strategy, Edge Computing, and WISE-PaaS Leads Advantech's Long-Term Growth

Globalization Strategy, Edge Computing, and WISE-PaaS Leads Advantech's Long-Term Growth 3/11/2020 Advantech (stock code: 2395), a global leader in Industrial IoT, hosted its latest investor’s meeting today. In 2019, Advantech's earnings per share (EPS) reached NT$10.51, a record high in its history. In the near term, the production capability, component supply, and logistics have been affected by the COVID-19 outbreak. Advantech expects to see its production base in Kunshan return to 85-90% of its production capability by the end of March. Eric Chen, President of General Management and Chief Financial Officer at Advantech, stated that 1Q20 consolidated revenue will be affected by 1) delayed return to work, 2) delayed shipments from clients in Mainland China, and 3) shortage in the supply chain. The management team expects a 5-10% YoY decline for 1Q20 revenues, but cumulative orders from clients in January and February still presents double-digit growth compared to

Synology enabling Remote Work - VPN Plus Licenses Free Until September 30, 2020

Enabling Remote Work - VPN Plus Licenses Free Until September 30, 2020 Taipei, Taiwan—March 30, 2020—In response to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, many businesses have adopted work from home policies. Synology's wireless routers feature powerful VPN server capabilities that enable businesses to quickly facilitate a remote workforce. Starting from April 6, Synology VPN Plus licenses will become free to purchase until September 30, 20201.

Welcome to watch Taiwan CPBL baseball game !!

Welcome to watch Taiwan CPBL baseball game !! CPBL English broadcasts provide a lifeline to deprived sports ... Focus Taiwan News Channel-Apr 18, 2020 On Friday, Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) tweeted Eleven Sports Taiwan's English broadcast of the CPBL game between the Fubon ... Virus Outbreak: English-language CPBL broadcasts a ray of ... Taipei Times-22 hours ago View all CPBL game draws 650000 viewers at home and abroad Focus Taiwan News Channel-Apr 16, 2020 The Rakuten Monkeys celebrating their win. Taipei, April 16 (CNA) The sixth game in Taiwan's Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) ... Missing Baseball? Taiwanese Games Are Now Broa dcasting ... TIME-Apr 16, 2020 View all Taiwan's pro baseball league to broadcast games in English Taiwan News-Apr 14, 2020 Taiwan's Chinese Professional Baseball League (CPBL) held its first game at Taichung Intercontinental Baseball Stadium Sunday after the first ... Actual baseball hig

WHO and Taiwan fight COVID19 together

譚德塞先生,您真的想算這筆帳嗎?您可能貴人多忘事,但是我們就來算算,到底是誰歧視誰? 在3個月前,台灣人還真的不知道您是誰。我們早已習慣被國際邊緣化,所以大多數台灣人可能連聯合國秘書長是誰都不知道,誰會記得您這位附隨組織的帶頭大哥?但是,貴組織在2020年1月13日時,第一次針對武漢肺炎發表新聞稿,裡面有句話是這麼說的: The genetic sequencing shared by China enables more countries to rapidly diagnose patients.(從中國分享的病毒基因序列,讓更多國家可以快速的診斷病人) 這是您在新聞稿裡第一次公開稱讚中國在病毒防治上的貢獻,從此以後,您言必稱中國,好像中國才是您的祖國一樣,渾然忘記,1月18日,武漢舉辦萬家宴,四萬多個家庭群聚一堂,是群聚感染的開始。中國政府從第一個病例開始,就隱匿疫情,扼殺吹哨者李文亮、放任民眾四處傳染、防護觀念嚴重不足。如果當時就立刻遏止,現在95%的疫情根本不會發生。身為世界衛生組織秘書長,您竟然瘟馨的關懷中國,不在乎疫情傳播全世界,才開始讓台灣人注意到您。接著,您持續不斷的惡行,讓台灣人對您的惡感不斷增加: 1月14日,認為根據中國官方說法,病毒不會人傳人。 1月23日,認為這只是中國的公共衛生緊急事件,對世界衛生威脅甚小。中國分享疫情非常及時,及時採取相應措施,展現出相當高的透明度 1月25日,持續發表「一般風險」的言論,認為事態不會擴大。 1月28日,反對各國從中國撤僑,認為中國有能力處理這件事。 2月3日,認為不需要過度反應,減少旅遊與活動,都是不必要的激烈行為。不用取消往返中國航班,更不需要關閉邊境。 2月9日,其實病毒有可能出現廣泛的人傳人。 2月11日,中國災情不嚴重,世界各國才是,應該要認真對抗病毒。 2月19日,公開稱讚中國犧牲自己,拯救全世界。而且中國以外,只有12個國家出現92宗新型冠狀病毒肺炎的人傳人個案,除了鑽石公主號的特殊個案之外,看不到有持續本土傳播的情況。 2月21日,中國病例顯著減少,是令人鼓舞的消息。 2月24日,用大流行(pandemic)來形容病毒並不恰當。 3月2日,還是堅持病毒並沒有大流行。 3月11日,病毒已經造成全球大流行,要嚴加防備。 要談歧視嗎?台灣並沒有歧視黑人,而是台灣長期被您